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Metal Album of The Week: Sannhet - Revisionist


Congratulations, you’ve stumbled into a weekly column where Simon, our station resident metal-head, tells you about a new metal album that you haven’t heard and why that needs to change as soon as possible. Bask in the glory of the riffs, dear reader!

What do you do when you finish your last class before the start of Spring Break? No, you don’t go to Chuck’s . . . okay well maybe you do, but if your name is Simon, you go home and you listen to some goddamn metal. Luckily, I didn’t have to figure out what my album of the week was, because I had already picked that out. This week I’m switching it up a little bit, bringing in some instrumental jams from Sannhet and their new album, Revisionist.

I’d never listened to Sannhet before, but from the moment I clicked play on the stream of Revisionist on their Soundcloud I was hooked. I’m not one to gravitate towards instrumental metal, but I find Sannhet’s material absolutely captivating. I couldn’t say exactly what genre they play, since I have no interest in trying to make one up and their Facebook delightfully just says “instrumental.” There’s definitely a lot of post-black, as well as moments that are very atmospheric and very melodic, but y’all genre-nerds get the hell out of here.

What I find most awesome about Sannhet is that, although they’re a trio, they really sound massive. The layers of guitars are phenomenal, giving the listener not only pleasure in heavy riffs but also a full sound that is quite melodic at times. The drums are pounding, with some blastbeats thrown in tastefully here and there. But Sannhet know how to best serve their songs and that is really their strong point. My dad likes to say that he can’t stand heavy metal because it doesn’t have any dynamic (whatever). Sannhet know how to bring their songs up and down, with quiet intros leading the way to melodic, yet heavy, riffs, and even into sections with black metal blastbeats all in a way that is quite seamless.

Revisionist is really a monster of an album and, possibly because of Sannhet’s unique sound, it really stood out to me in a week when Enslaved and Leviathan both put out awesome albums as well. But in the typically pre-Spring Break midterm craziness, I was in the mood to relax and put on Revisionist more than anything else. Give it a shot even if you don’t like metal because you could be in for a surprise! Stream below, and stay tuned for more metal after the break.

-Simon SV, Senior Metal Correspondent \M/

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