Featured Show of the Week: The Feels
If our last Featured Show of the Week, Brownie Mountain Songs, epitomized college radio, then Daniella Rasho and Eddie Devino’s The Feels epitomizes the kind of college radio that we’ve all come to associate with WERW. Seemingly nonsensical mid-song banter and a genuine interest in providing premium tunage drive the show, making for an hour of friendly entertainment every week.
Daniella and Eddie aren’t interested in producing the most polished show on our schedule, and it plays to their advantage. The kind of content you get from The Feels could just as easily be found amongst a group of friends in a South Campus living room. Sunday’s episode included shoutouts to a whole slew of buddies listening from home, and at one point a Shakey Graves song was played, then justified by a story about a friend of a friend who had once said Graves was really good in concert.
With shows like The Feels, WERW becomes a platform for students to get support for whatever they feel like sharin’ with everyone, regardless of how goofy or segmented it may be. It’s the kind of show that makes WERW what it is, and it’s the kind of show that we hope encourages students to become a part of the station.
Tune into The Feels every Sunday at 7 PM to catch Daniella and Eddie hosting their latest show. And check out our home page for a Spotify playlist that the two curated just for us.
Setlist (02/22/15):